How to Download and Stream YouTube Videos Unlimited Using Your Glo Sim

Glo has finally introduced unlimited YouTube streaming and downloading. Both new and existing users can benefit from the Glo YouTube streaming plan which works from N500 and above. The Glo YouTube data bundle works on 2G, 3G, and 4G LTE internet connection or sim.

Users who are always current with our blog post are already enjoying MTN free browsing cheat using YouTube when you subscribe to Night Plan. Let us not forget not long ago,
Glo increased the data allocation for users by 50% which now gives users 4GB for N1000 plus 2.5GB for YouTube plan. That YouTube plan will not be touched as far as you have subscribed to the newly introduced Unlimited Youtube plan.
Now, we will all learn how to use the Glo YouTube YouTube free data to download and stream unlimited on the YouTube App, Download YouTube Go app.


*Your Glo Sim

*A strong 2G, 3G or 4G LTE network

*YouTube app or YouTube Go app

*A Subscription Of N500+
Android device or phone - Android, IOS, Windows


➤ Subscribe to a data plan of N500 or N1000

➤ Once you are done with the subscription, download or stream unlimited YouTube videos between 1am – 5:30am each night.

➤ Now, open your youtube app, streaming and download unlimitedly and enjoy unlimited video streaming on Glo.

This is how you can download and stream unlimited YouTube videos with your Glo sim. Enjoy it while it lasts.


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